Year’s Best Hardcore Horror Volume 2
Editors: Randy Chandler & Cheryl Mullenax
Available in Ebook, Print, and Audiobook
Year’s Best Hardcore Horror is a yearly collection showcasing the extreme, harder side of horror, stories that break boundaries and trash taboos.
Comet Press is extremely proud to present its second annual anthology featuring this year’s hardcore corps of authors with the best extreme horror fiction of 2016 that breaks boundaries and trashes taboos.
Selected from indie publishers and magazines such as Weirdpunk Books, Necro Publications, Splatterpunk Zine, Corner Bar Magazine, Carrion Blue and Raw Dog Screaming Press, these stories represent the state of the art of extreme horror fiction. Whether extreme in theme or with gore galore, these disturbing tales will be hard to forget even though you may wish you could.
Yes, there will be blood. Lots of it. Gore galore and plenty of the gushy stuff. But you’ll also find tales less graphic but with hardcore attitudes, transgressive stories you’re not sure you should be reading, stories showing you things you shouldn’t see. Visceral fiction.
Editorial Reviews
Publishers Weekly
…”glutted with graphic scenes of torture, dismemberment, evisceration, and pornographic sex.”
Goodreads Reviewers:
“I enjoyed each and every story. Some hit me harder than others, but that is a personal reaction. If you enjoy extreme horror and vivid imaginings, then this book is for you.”
“With heavy hitting, no holds barred authors like Wrath James White and Adam Cesare contributing I knew I was In for a disturbing and stomach churning read. YBHH2 never wavered in delivering the nasty. From a rather disgusting fairy to a nightmarish glimpse of those prize claw machines, YBBH2 is simply a must have for fellow hardcore horror aficionado’s!”
Table of Contents
Michael A. Arnzen “55 Ways I’d Prefer Not to Die”
Jasper Bark “Bed of Crimson Joy”
Christa Carmen “The Girl Who Loved Bruce Campbell”
Marvin Brown “The Field”
Adam Cesare “Please Subscribe”
Matthew Chabin “Father of Dread”
Jose Cruz “American Gods, American Monsters”
Andrew Darlington “Coming of the Darkula”
Paolo Di Orazio “The Contract”
Stefanie Elrick “Mother’s Nature”
William Grabowski “Out Hunting for Teeth”
Sarah L. Johnson “Little Sister, Little Brother”
Eric LaRocca “Miss_Vertebrae”
Alessandro Manzetti “Kozmic Blues”
Tim Miller “Backne”
Alexandra Renwick “Redux”
Bryan Smith “Implant”
Jeremy Thompson “The Hallowfiend Remembers”
Tim Waggoner “A Face in the Crowd”
Wrath James White “Ownership”
Stephanie M. Wytovich “On This Side of Bloodletting” & selected poems from “Brothel”